<A. The required information are as following>:
(1) Name of the company
(2) Address
(3) Purpose of the company
(4) Capital. The minimum capital requirement was lift. It can be even from 1 yen.
(5) Name of director(s). The requirement of having at least one Japan resident director is gone since March 17, 2015.
(5-2) We need a notarized signature of directors if they are not Japan residents. If they are residents, two copies of stamp certificate (印鑑証明) is required to take the position as director and to authorize me to do all the paperwork for you.
(6) Address, birth date of the director(s)
(7) Names, number and value of shares to be issued for each shareholder(s)
(8) Fiscal year (It can start from any month during a year but strongly recommendable to avoid December as the end of the fiscal year unless you have compelling reasons. It is because there are so many companies who close their book in December and your accountant may not have enough time to work carefully over accounting data.)
<B. Schedule>
(1) Prepare all the documents based on the information you provide.
(2) We will send documents for you to sign.
(3) Notarize the company article of incorporation by Notary Public
(4) Transfer the original investment money to a personal bank account of the initiator (original director).
(5) Submit all the documents including the proof of the original investment (ref. #4).
(6) It will take 5- 10 business days for the government to process.